The Locke Report: Quarantine Edition

To begin, I hope the latest Locke Report finds you safe and sound. There is nothing like a pandemic to help put one’s priorities in order. But I am not here today to opine on the current crisis.

In any case, Facebook and, I presume, Twitter abound with experts on the topic of virology. I am in awe of one certain writer of noir crime Southeast Asia style and his wealth of information regarding climate change and viruses such as, though surely not limited to, COVID-19. He’s got it down.

Jealous? You bet! I am simply doing my best trying to make correct parental decisions, keep a business afloat in the online world, and belt out my yearly novel. So don’t look to me for answers.

I have yet another acquaintance who is an expert on such diverse topics as the Euro, Brexit, American Policing, and yep, you guessed it, COVID-19. All a big hoax he claims with authority. And, in any event, even if something is going around it surely did not come from any wet-market in China. You can take that to the bank. He is so locked in!

Me, I don’t know. And, like Sam Cooke, was never much for biology or science books as a student. I do make sure the kids wear masks when we go out for our afternoon walks. Mom and Dad do insist they thoroughly wash their hands with soap upon coming back home from the local general store where we buy our household essentials.

I wish I had a crystal ball like some on my FB Friend list. Sadly, I do not. But there is one thing I do have control over. I will always be here for my family. I cannot claim to have a solution for all that ails, but I sure will try to find one. And, failing that, I can let them know it is all right because nobody has all the answers!

However, I am sort of an expert on one thing. Finding cool ways to occupy my time.

  1. Plan a trip. Even if all travel is limited for the foreseeable future life will return to normal at some point. And with the internet at our fingertips, the world awaits. Just think of all the deals with airlines, hotels, and even eateries yearning to bring back customers. Where will you go? What will you do? How about dinner? Fix a budget… Trust me, I am salivating over The Orchard: Turkey, apple, Vermont cheddar, honey mustard & New England Fare: Turkey, bacon, Muenster cheese, lettuce, tomato,mayonnaise served up fresh at the Mason Jar in Harwichport.
  2. This one is for parents. Create a game or activity that is good for your child. My 5 year old son likes to box with dad. So, ok, a small boxing ring was set up, 3 rounds of 2 minutes, and a champion is crowned. Hunter holds all the belts, but I’m coming…Huffing & Puffing! Lots of fun, spending time with my Boy, and a bit of exercise to boot. I am also beginning a homeschool program for my daughter. Sure, she’d rather play on her ipad. But the activities are fun, she’s improving her writing skills, and dad doesn’t complain as much about her playing ROV so much. It works!
  3. Expand your horizons. Develop a skill, Start a blog and teach people about your hidden talents or your secret passion, learn a new language, write that book you know you have in you, read War and Peace. If you are bored, blame yourself.

Let’s take a peek into the future.

I am sad to say that all sporting events relevant to me are cancelled for 2020. It is hard to see anyway Baseball, Football, Hockey, or Basketball games can be played until this pandemic it is corralled. And that seems like months away. As a sports fan it sucks, of course. But better to be safe than sorry for all involved.

There will be a Presidential Election in November. 77, soon to be 78, year old Joe Biden will challenge 74 year old incumbent Donald Trump for the right to inhabit the Oval Office for the next 4 years. Though, to be fair, actuarial charts may dispute the validity of the 4 years. In any case, in this era of woke politics & #me too morals, you would be hard pressed to find any more pasty white set in their ways boomers than these two party standard bearers.

Combine COVID-19 with a lack of sizzle in each candidacy and record low turnouts are likely. This brings me to a larger point. Elections are designed to bring the best people into government. Government is designed to produce a safe and healthy environment in which people can go and lead productive lives. But, if your government has failed to do that then what is the purpose of participating.

Look, most people can understand that we do not live in a fairy land. Bad stuff can happen. There is no government that can place us in an auto-immune bubble. But to be not prepared? To not have enough masks? To not have enough testing kits available? That is called gross mismanagement.

So, Left, Right, or Center, governments throughout the world have dropped the ball. Stay at Home is not a policy. That is the cry of the weak. From Beijing to Washington to London to Brussels to Tokyo corrupt weak individuals have been given the keys to government. And this is the result.

The problem is not some wet market in Wuhan. Pathogens can build their niche in any farm, sewer, or marketplace it is allowed to thrive. Governments exist for the sole purpose of managing those problems. Stay at Home is an admission of guilt, a recognition of inadequacy, the white flag. Worst of all, it is the only solution these governments: democratic, socialist, or communist, can come up with.

So, as my vote resides in the United States, I will exercise my Constitutional right to not use it in 2020. Maybe this is the best way to employ my civic duty.

Anyway, I am better off relying on myself, believing in my family, building my business, improving my writing craft, and, most of all, living life and cherishing all that is dear to me.

I hope you do the same. I’ll finish where I started: Be Safe, Healthy, Kind, & Generous!!

Till Next Time…

2 responses to “The Locke Report: Quarantine Edition”

  1. Kevin Cummings says :

    Nice one, Thom. Loved the plan a trip tip. Stay safe.

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